US Willamette Pellet Hops 1 oz.
A quality hop aroma for your home brewed beer. Well established in the US industry; currently the most widely grown aroma hop in the US.
Development: Triploid seedling of the English Fuggle variety.
A quality hop aroma. Well established in the US industry; currently the most widely grown aroma hop in the US.
Development: Triploid seedling of the English Fuggle variety.
Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Mild and pleasant, slightly spicy
Alpha Acids: 4.0 — 6.0%
Beta Acids: 3.0 — 4.5%
Co-Humulone: 30 — 35% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 1.0—1.5 mls/100g
Substitutions: Glacier, US Fuggle, US Tettnang, Styrian Golding
Typical Beer Styles: All English-style Ales, US Pale Ale, US Brown Ale, American Lager